Massage therapy is the systematic and scientific method of treating the soft tissues of the body. Massage has developed into a specialised tool for the treatment of muscle, ligament and tendon problems. Massage works to normalise the dysfunction in soft tissues. It is not only an art but a science. Massage is also excellent for aiding relaxation. Your massage therapist will take details of your health history and assess your current condition. Different massage techniques such as advanced Swedish, sports and remedial techniques will be used to treat your condition.
Massage Therapy Techniques
Therapeutic/Remedial Massage
Remedial massage is a style of treatment used to address a specific issue of the
musculoskeletal system. Your therapist will discuss how the issue came about, symptoms you are
experiencing, and your goals for the treatment. Your posture may be examined and your therapist may check muscle flexibility and strength to determine what muscles and structures are involved.
A range of massage techniques are applied to effectively address the problem area, these may include deep tissue massage, trigger point therapy, myofascial release, lymphatic drainage, and swedish massage. You and your therapist will work together to reach the treatment goal (increase movement, decrease pain, release muscle knots etc.) and exercise therapy, stretching and lifestyle changes may also be suggested. We recommend 1 hour for the first consultation, and consecutive treatments can be 1/2 an hour, 1 hour or 1 1/2 hours depending on the required treatment.
Sports Therapy
All serious athletes now rely on massage as an indispensable part of their training programs. A sports massage is a type of therapy geared toward active individuals, usually those who present with common strains resulting from strenuous exercises and movements.
Sports massage uses a combination of deep and light strokes using knuckles and fingers and sometimes elbows to loosen muscle adhesions and release trigger points (knots) in dysfunctional muscle tissue.
Sports massage assists in reducing the risk of injury, cools the body down after exertion and helps enhance the overall physical performance of an athlete by increasing overall motion and flexibility. Whether you are looking to keep an active lifestyle or reach your sporting potential, regular sports massage is vital to your success.
Our massage therapists at Health plus Chiropractic are trained in sports massage from their initial training and have followed this with specific experience in triathlons, football, tennis, basketball to name a few.
Hot Stone Massage
The warmed stones are an extension of the therapist’s hands and help to soothe away muscle tension, increasing local circulation to the muscles bringing in fresh blood and nutrients to help heal and nourish the tissues.
Hot Stone Massage is recommended to all our clients, it can be the most relaxing and nurturing treatment you will experience and the stones can be used for deep tissue massage and trigger point therapy.
Applying the heat quickly warms the tissues helping to release muscles, knots and is recommended to clients that are experiencing severe muscle tension and pain.Our treatment recommendation would be 1 hour or a 1 1/2 hours for optimal results.
Trigger Point Therapy
A trigger point is a hyperirritable point found in a taut band of muscle. These trigger points (or tight knots) not only affect the muscles involved but also sends “referral pain” in the tissues supplied by nerves. Trigger points are formed due to muscle over use, cold, old injury or accident, poor posture and muscle imbalance. Trigger point therapy is a technique that involves applying pressure on the tender muscle tissue in order to relieve pain and dysfunction in other parts of the body.
The purpose of this technique is to re-educate the body into pain-free habits and to eliminate pain. A few treatments can reduce pain, swelling and stiffness of the neuromuscular pathways in the muscles. Increased range of motion and improvements in muscle co-ordination can be achieved along with reduced tension and flexibility. Trigger point techniques are usually incorporated to a massage and /or chiropractic treatment.
Lymphatic drainage
Lymphatic drainage is very gentle and slow massage that is used to improve movement and flow of lymphatic fluid around the body. It is often used to relieve swelling, and fluid retention and can be used after surgeries, injuries and accidents.
The massage works to move fluid towards the nodes of the lymphatic system, where the excess fluid is then moved into the blood stream, where it is then excreted. We recommend 1 hour – 1 1/2 hour treatments, and advise that you drink plenty of water before and after treatment and avoid alcohol after treatment.
This is a highly effective technique that has a powerful effect on muscles and connective tissue. This technique may be used in an area of muscle pain or tenderness or where there is restriction of movement. The massage therapist will apply a stretch with deep pressure using their fingers, thumbs, fist or elbows to a specific muscle group where there is restriction in the fascia. Commonly used in sports massage, this technique will help regain muscle length.