Chiropractic & Acute Lower Back Pain

Chiropractic adjustments of the spine hold an enviable reputation of rapid effective relief and success for acute lower back pain.  Long before the days of research, friends and family knew to send their loved ones to a chiropractor when a lower back crisis occurred.  In modern times, there have been more studies into the efficacy of chiropractic treatments for acute pain than any other form of therapy.

Consistently, chiropractic management is shown to be conservative, gentle and an approach worth considering.  Our team of chiropractorHPC photoshoot_20160404_0027s are very experienced in treating back spasms including sciatica, disc problems, sacroiliac and pelvic pain and plain ‘bad backs’.  Our treatments are thorough and are customised to the presentation and clinical picture of each patient.

We know that no two spines are the same and therefore management varies to achieve success in the shortest time possible.  We employ a variety of techniques from gentle low-force adjustments for patients who feel their back is ‘too hot to handle’, to thorough and substantial techniques for the more stubborn cases.  Whatever the acute back problem, we have very extensive experience in diagnosing and treating these severe pain conditions.

Chiropractic & Chronic Lower Back Pain

There are 3 approaches that make chiropractic so effective in dealing with difficult conditions. Firstly, chiropractors are uniquely placed to assess and treat imbalances in neurological function.  That is, many chronic lower-back, neck and shoulder pain, headache and limb pain conditions have impaired nerve function as a deeply embedded factor in each condition.  If the nervous system is not properly assessed and treated, then no amount of exercise, or medication can restore proper sensation or motor control to the body.

Gentle chiropractic adjustments to the spine are integral to restoring nerve function and re-educating the bodyAnthony O'Reilly experienced chiropractor for lower back pain to better function.  Secondly, the hands-on approach employed in chiropractic means that aberrant joint function and abnormal muscle conditions including myositis, fibromyalgia and tendinitis, are quickly recognised and treated. Most people who have enjoyed the benefits of chiropractic are aware how well joint problems are skilfully addressed.  Our office specialises in combining thorough muscle assessment with traditional chiropractic approaches.  We teach and coach stretching and strengthening exercises for the wide variety of lower back disorders, tailored to the specific needs of the person and their problem.

The reputation of chiropractic to give relief for acute spinal pain is well known.  Many research studies over the past 20 years also confirm how effective these treatments are for chronic spinal pain. A newer therapeutic strategy is a separate science of chiropractic rehabilitation.  A revolution has occurred in the past 15 years in the field of chronic pain and many chiropractors have been at the forefront in creating new management approaches and collecting research evidence to support the new theories.  A radical rethink has occurred about the way we manage the neurological, mechanical and behavioural aspects of chronic pain.  Science has driven new developments in exercise science, soft tissue injury and manual therapies, and the behaviour of pain and suffering.

chiropractor help for low back painWe have been both early adopters and champions of modern developments in the rehabilitation of chronic pain.  You would be surprised to see what we have to offer.  If you know someone who has been suffering for too long, tell them how we can help.



Massage Therapy & Lower Back Painmassage cure for low back pain

Massage therapists are experts in the area of soft tissue strain and injury and by direct palpation of the painful area and surrounding tissue ensures that your massage therapist is able to feel and treat soft tissue restriction and trauma.

Massage can help ease lower back pain by relaxing overly tight tissues, lengthening shortened muscles, identifying and releasing postural strain patterns and increasing circulation and lymphatic flow in the area. This helps to reduce inflammation, remove toxins and waste products, helping restore normal range of motion.

Treatment of lower back pain involves taking a detailed case history to identify potential factors which lead to pain and dysfunction, whether it is a recurrent, chronic issue or an acute injury. This helps to create a management strategy which minimises the chance of experiencing recurrent injuries, and also to ensure that recovery is not impeded by further damage.

Massage therapists assess posture, identifying areas of strain and ‘guarding’ or overcompensation of secondary myofascial regions, range of motion and muscular weakness. Chronic lower back pain may be the result of (but not limited to) tight postural muscles, shortened hamstrings, inefficient abdominal or gluteal muscles, incorrect muscle firing patterns when walking, strained ligament and tendons, nerve irritation or entrapment or bony trauma.

If the source of the problem is not identified, recovery may be slow or incomplete. Whatever the case, your therapist will design an individualised treatment plan for you at your consultation. We are continually revising our treatment protocols in line with developments in the field. If you or someone you know is experiencing pain, come along and see what we can do for you.

See our Case studies page for more information

Exercise Physiology and Lower Back Pain  

About 80% of Australians have experienced an episode of low back pain during their lifetime. If you do not exercise regularly, an episode of low back pain may be your prompt to start. Walking, swimming and cycling allow people with low back pain to become active and stay active.

Accredited exercise physiologists can help you plan a suitable graduated/strengthening training program in your preferred form of exercise. Your spine and the surrounding muscles are designed for movement. It is important you seek assistance with planning exercise if you have had multiple episodes of low back pain, because the back muscles can respond differently after repeated bouts of back pain.

Podiatry and Low Back Pain

podiatry support for low back pain ParramattaYour feet are the foundation of your posture and have a direct link with your knee, hip and back function. If there are imbalances, such as leg length differences, excessive pronation (low arch) or supination (high arch), this can lead to development of pain and other conditions such as lower back pain, scoliosis, shin splints, plantar fasciitis, iliotibial band syndrome, posterior tibial tendon dysfunction and many others.

A podiatrist is trained in biomechanical gait analysis and can pin-point the postural factors that may be contributing to these conditions, then provide advice on footwear and prescribe customised orthotics or other treatment recommendations.

Chiropractic & Disc Herniations

Disc conditions in both the neck and back are usually severe, debilitating and challenging for the poor patient.  Managing such complex conditions is part of the training and experience of most chiropractors.  At Health plus Chiropractic, we do not take these conditions for granted and have ensured that our knowledge and skills are developed so we have as much as possible to offer our patients.  We have completed additional training in other techniques that deal with disc herniations (bulges) and associated pain such as sciatica.  As per our usual practice, these techniques are widely adopted and have good support by research.  If you know someone who is worried by such a problem, suggest they give us call.

See our Case study page on Sciatica too