Chiropractic & Hip Pain

Diagnosis of hip pain can be more problematic than knee or other limb pain as there is an overlap between hip and lower back and pelvic pain.  Furthermore, hip pain can be referred from internal structures.  The most common hip problems we see include hip bursitis, osteoarthritis, pain arising from the sacroiliac joints and the lumbar spine, and hamstring tears.

For many people, they lack both mobility and proper motor control of the hip.  As chiropractors, we utilise various precise procedures to gently mobilise the hip.  This is combined with exercises (ranging from basic to advanced) to stretch the muscles and soft tissues.  The motor control issues are addressed via adjustments of the spine to support nerve conbest chiropractor Parramatta for hip paintrol.  Specific exercises are employed to retrain the muscles and locomotor system.

Massage Therapy & Hip Pain

Hip pain and its associated pain is a common complaint that can be effectively managed using massage therapy.  At Health plus Chiropractic, we dig a little deeper than others to identify the cause of dysfunction and pain rather than just treating symptoms.  Many therapists neglect to treat the muscles of the inner hip and thigh, such as psoas and the adductor muscles, which help stabilise the hip.  These muscles often contribute to dysfunction when they become short and weak.

Our massage therapists are highly trained and have over 20 years of experience dealing with a range of complicated hip conditions.  The techniques used by our therapists, such as deep tissue massage, trigger point therapy and active muscle release are designed to deactivate muscle spasm, lengthen and release shortened muscles and increase muscle range of movement in the hip joint.  We do not settle for temporary relief, but strive to identify and treat the cause of the issue so our patients enjoy a pain free lifestyle.  Why not call and experience the difference.

Hip and associated pain is a common complaint that can be managed using massage therapy. Whilst many people treat hip pain, unfortunately many therapists often only treat the symptoms and overlook the cause of the pain.

Muscles many therapists neglect to treat are the muscles of the inner hip and thigh such as psoas and the adductor muscles which help stabilise the hip. These muscles dysfunction by becoming short and weak.

The techniques used by our therapists are the techniques that will give great benefit to our patients. Techniques such as deep tissue, trigger point therapy and active muscle release can deactivate muscle spasms, lengthen and release shortened muscles of the hip and increase muscle range of movement.

Our massage therapists are highly trained and have over 15 years of experience dealing with some of the very complicated hip pains. We do not settle to give our patients temporary relief, we strive to find the cause of the issue and treat it so our patients could live a pain free lifestyle.

Podiatry and Hip Pain  Parramatta podiatrist for leg pain

Sometimes hip pain can be due to a condition called iliotibial band syndrome, which is a common overuse injury that often affects runners. It is caused by inflammation of the iliotibial band which connects the pelvic bone to the shin bone (below the knee) associated with excessive movement of the leg turning inward repeatedly. Pain is felt on the outside of the hip and sometimes extends down the outside of the thigh. ITBS has been linked with excessive foot pronation (which causes internal tibial rotation and knees to turn in during gait) as well as poor footwear, poor running surfaces or excessive training regime. Our team at Health Plus Chiropractic can help you manage this condition so that you can return to your full fitness. As well as exercise physiology, massage and chiropractic care that we provide, our Podiatrist can also conduct a thorough gait analysis to see if excessive foot pronation is a contributing factor and prescribe custom made orthotic devices if required.