Health plus Chiropractic also provides Exercise Physiology   Exercise class Parramatta

Our Exercise Physiologist works to implement positive lifestyle changes through exercise prescription to better manage your chronic condition(s).  An Exercise Physiologist generally performs health and fitness testing to tailor exercise programs for your individual needs which include but not limited to obesity and weight management, diabetes management, osteoporosis management as well as injury and rehabilitation.



Accredited Exercise Physiologists (AEPs) specialise in the delivery of exercise, lifestyle and behavioural modification programs for the prevention and management of chronic diseases, injuries and disabilities. AEPs adopt a holistic approach to managing clients to encourage reablement, promote wellness and to improve clinical, functional and/or psychosocial status for their clients.


Exercise Physiology Consultations: 

An exercise physiologist is an Allied Health professional who specialises in the benefits of exercise to help patients get fitter for all around good health, or to treat patients with a medical condition through exercise.

Exercise physiologists are knowledgeable about the effects that exercise has on the musculoskeletal system, as well as on the cardiovascular and endocrine systems. They can prescribe a course of exercises for either fitness or rehabilitation through home based or gym based exercise routines. They can also advise on behavioural modification programs. Exercise physiologists can treat medical conditions such as obesity, arthritis, diabetes, cancer, osteoporosis, depression, asthma and cardiovascular diseases, as well as many other conditions.

Group Type 2 Diabetes Exercise and Education

An Exercise Physiologist is an important team member to form part of your diabetes management. They are one of the only unique health professional who can provide both exercise interventions alongside diabetes education to help manage your condition.

Type 2 diabetes is a chronic condition characterised by varying levels of insulin resistance causing raised blood glucose levels. The long term effects of raised blood glucose include vascular and nerve damage primarily affecting the eyes leading to blindness, kidneys leading to renal failure and other vital bodily functions.

While there is currently no cure for Type 2 diabetes, exercise can improve the way our muscles respond to insulin. Exercise can help regulate blood glucose levels for some hours post exercise. This is because exercise increases glucose uptake by the muscles in ways that do not depend on insulin. In addition, exercise can lower the dose of insulin required by improving the body’s response to insulin.

Type 2 Diabetes exercise class

Group Functional Fitness Classes:  

It’s no secret that we are living longer now than ever before. While living a longer life sounds great in theory, it might only be as great as your health and body allows or more specifically, your muscles and the effect of age related Sarcopenia.

As we age, significant changes in muscle mass and quality take place. Sarcopenia is where our muscles start to degenerate due to the natural process of aging. Its occurrence is estimated to begin even at the age of 30 years.

Loss of muscle leads to decreased functional capacity and is associated with numerous amounts of health risks for example, falls, decreased bone density, glucose intolerance, and decreased heat and cold tolerance in older adults.

By far the most potent stimulus to improve both muscle quality and quantity is high-intensity resistance (strength) training. It is recommended that high-intensity resistance training be performed for 2-3 times per week for best results.

Resistance exercise training elicits muscle hypertrophy as well as changes in neuromuscular function. These changes in muscle mass and nervous system function lead to an improved ability to perform those activities that may become more difficult with older age.

What to expect:

At our Functional Fitness room, your comfort is our priority. We are here to make your rehabilitation or exercise experience something to embrace and pursue instead of fear. By utilising mainly free weights and various assisted body-weight equipment, our exercise approach of functional fitness is to allow you to feel secure about your own physical limitations.

By assessing your biomechanical function, body alignment and intrinsic strengths we can provide the means for allowing management of ailments and prevention from developing other health conditions.

In addition, exercising is also a means for improving your physicality but also your mentality. It has a certain therapeutic sense to ease the mind and provide release of mental stressors.

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